Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I have written this as I climb my mountain of awareness and intuition, where I listen and practise with my whole body. I am learning to become that which is deep inside, a practise long left idle by modern day life. To listen and be with my mind, my heart,my eyes,my emotions and my witnessing. I use this now as a visualization meditation. To witness the true art of archery with all my senses. I hope you enjoy the peace and the calmness that it brings.
Practise well and practise much grasshopper.

The master archer
The sun is low in the sky. It has been a pleasant day. He has been at the target field for many hours, practising his skill. Arrow after arrow has left his bow to strike the target, sometimes a bull's-eye, sometimes not. He is starting to tire, but is not done yet. He is never done, for the Master Archer is always searching for excellence. In his mind winning competitions, trophies, Olympic selection, are all irrelevant, but searching for improvement, that one arrow that he can connect with, think it to the bull's-eye. To be the arrow itself are all that matters.

When he began this journey to become a Master Archer, improvements came quickly, with big steps, but over time these improvements became smaller, and smaller, and more subtle in nature. He would learn that this is the price you pay for constant improvement. Out of that though, you learn patience, commitment, dedication, and what excellence is all about. It is only a place in time.

His last shot was disappointing. He draws another arrow out of his quiver and inspects it as watchmaker inspects the intricate workings of a watch, closely noting any imperfection. It is a good arrow.
With his bow in one hand, the arrow in the other, he lowers his head and breathes deeply in and out, intently aware of the motion of his lungs, and the feeling of the air moving back and forth within his body. The cool invigorating air filling his lungs with life, and energy and calmness. As he breathes out, he feels the tension leaving his neck, shoulders, and arms helping them reach a state of relaxation.

In this state of relaxation, he closes his eyes and utters the words "slow is smooth, smooth is fast" and begins the visualization of his next shot. With his eyes still closed he raises his head, and visualizes every aspect of the technique of preparation, sighting, and release. He has developed this into a fine art over many hours of practice, and sometimes he cannot tell if he is visualizing or actually doing it. It seems to him now that the world has stopped and all are waiting and watching. There is only the Master Archer, his bow, and arrow.

He takes one more deep breath in and as he lets it out he slowly opens his eyes and with a "soft gaze" he sees the target some distance down range. All is calm around him, and he is calm. There are no other thoughts except what is necessary for the task at hand.

The time has come. He feels the inevitability of the task. He clips his arrow into the bowstring and notices the bright colours of the feathers that stabilize the arrow through flight. As he takes another breath as he raises the bow and sights the target, at the same time drawing the arrow back, so that the bowstring is touching his lips. He lets his breath out slowly and feels a slight breeze on his left cheek. He must adjust his trajectory and angle to cope. The degrees of shift inside his mind, the result of thousands of hours of practice. His gaze turns from a "soft gaze" to his "spirit eyes" there is nothing else. He breathes in. He feels his heart rate slow. His left arm is straight and strong, holding the bow with Zen-like stillness. His right arm and shoulder under full tension, holding the arrow back, ready for flight. The bull's-eye of the target is clear and steady in his sights. His adjustments have been made. The stillness and calmness are deafening.

The decision is made. The arrow is sent on its way. He feels the bowstring slap against his arm protector. The bow remains still and has not moved, pointing to the target after release.

The arrow is hurtling towards its destination. The Master Archer visualizes, and becomes the arrow. He sees in his peripheral vision, shapes and colours  flashing by. He sees the target looming, and the previous arrows that have been shot. He sees that his adjustments for the slight crosswind have been effective. As he nears the target he hears the splintering of wood as he dissects the previous arrow in the bull's-eye circle. The speed and power keep the arrow straight as it breaks the other arrow in half, and finally embeds itself home, dead centre of the bull's-eye.

The Master Archer is back on his mark, looking at the target and realizing what has just happened. This is a rare occasion, that you can split an arrow in half. He closes his eyes and smiles. He feels the last rays of the sun on his back and realizes that the bar of expectations has just risen slightly. To be able to split a previous arrow with a new one. It will have to become the new level of excellence. Can it be achieved? Only as any task, searching for excellence is achieved. Through continual improvement that is thought of as a journey in and of itself with no destination. And as this realization dawns on him, he draws another arrow out of his quiver.................
The true art of archery is emtying the mind to become one with the arrow. The changes you seek are not with modern technology of the modern bow, but changes within your heart and mind.