Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gidday everyone
I put together an article about what I have called Natural Form Running and I wasn't happy with it. So I went searching and these videos explain it better that my own efforts.
Some of the things you need to be aware of though.
This will take some time to perfect. In fact it will always be a work in progress. Take swimming, golf, tennis, footy,they all involve skill and technique sessions whether you are a middle of the pack athlete or an elite one. All the top athletes practice technique and skills, because if you really get it right it will lift your performance well above what is is now. Running is no different. We need to realize that technique in running promotes efficiencies in where our energy is spent and how to best use that energy to move us forward. To improve our technique has a big impact on avoiding injuries. Running should not be an invitation to an injury. We were designed to run and it is how we survived . But you need to continuously work on your skill set to keep those injuries at bay. If you do get injured, do the recovery but focus on what part of your technique went missing and practice, it can be a good time while you are recovering to practice. It could as simple as forgetting to relax. Don't try and do all this at once, and forget it if you are in the middle of training for an important race. This is a project on it's own and deserves your undivided attention to learn and then to incorporate it into your normal training regime.
So become a researcher, student and a mechanic to get this right and your running will be an enjoyable and lifelong pastime .
Enjoy the videos

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